Happy Fall Y'All,
So it is officially fall, although in sunny Florida, I'm not quite feelin' it yet! This is definitely my favorite time of year. I love that my pumpkin spice coffee is back, the holidays are approaching, and the cooler weather is on the way (hopefully!).
Today, I'm here to share something very personal with you...my experience with bullying. This is not easy for me to talk about, but I figured if I can open up to anybody about it, it would be you.
Anti-bullying awareness is something that I am very passionate about. When I went to my PTA convention over the summer, I went to a class where another county had put on an amazing anti-bullying program for their community and it hit home for me...because I, like many of you, endured bullying while I was growing up.
The neighborhood kids decided that I was their target for bullying when I was in elementary & middle school. I got called names, pushed around, picked on, you name it. It was the most horrible experience of my life and went on for years. It completely destroyed my self esteem and still affects me to this day.
No matter how good that I do, I still don't have the confidence in my abilities as a person. I have trouble trusting anybody or looking them in the eye, until I get to know them and their intentions. I would never wish feeling this way on anybody.
At 30 years old, I'm finally beginning to realize that I am a good person and that I didn't deserve to be treated the way that I was treated growing up. I am beginning to realize my self-worth. However, this is an experience that is stuck with my for life. It makes me angry and sad inside that I don't have the confidence that I see many of my friends have. With that being said, I am taking my experiences and turning it around to use as something positive. Our PTA is having a bullying & internet safety fair in January that I am helping to coordinate. I just received word yesterday that I received a grant for $250 to get materials for that night. I feel like the event is well on it's way.
I also created this anti-bullying program for any classroom:
Click on the picture to take a look.
October is anti-bullying month. I put every ounce of energy into this packet because it is something that is near to my heart. I am nothing but dedicated to educating children about bullying. I hear how much bullying is affecting children in our schools and society and it breaks my heart to know that these children may be affected in the same way that so many of us have been affected by it.
* I am giving away this packet to 2 people. Please leave your name, email and a comment below. I will pick the winner by rafflecopter tomorrow morning.
Also, I am having a sale in my TPT store today and tomorrow. Everything will be 20% off including my new bullying pack. Click on the picture to take you to my store.
Thank you for taking the time to read and listen,