Happy Weekend Friends!!!,
As I sit here thinking of all of the must dos during my summer break, I figured what better way to organize my thoughts than to link up for the Summer Bucket List linky party hosted by some of my favorite peeps, Hadar at Miss Kindergarten, Teri from A Cupcake for the Teacher, and April from A Modern Teacher!

1. Create a baby nursery!
We are transforming my daughter's playroom into a nursery for baby #2. We have decided to paint the nursery a lavender color. I think I have narrowed down my bedding choices to 2 choices--

What do you think? I'm leaning toward the 2nd one, but not quite sure yet. :-) I would love to hear your opinion!
2. Organize, organize, organize...
Every year I vow that I will be more organized. I said that I would this year...well didn't quite happen the way that I hoped. I would like to make a master copies binder of all of the amazing ideas that I have found from fellow bloggers for easy access. I saw this idea on Pinterest...

I also love this idea for my craftivities (from none other than Hadar!!)

3. Teachers Pay Teachers!!

I plan to do a lot of creating over the summer. I have a big notebook of ideas written down. I just need to get motivated to get back into the swing of things. It has been quite a few months since I've created anything due to being exhausted day in and day out. I'm feeling the urge to get creating again! I am very excited to start doing just that!! Wish me luck!
4. Spending time with my little girl...

I am so excited to spend as much time as possible with this little face right here! She is so excited to spend summer with Mommy too. We have big plans to go to the beach, zoo, movies, and I am excited to sign her up for her first organized activity (besides school)...gymnastics!!! I am looking forward to spending lots of quality time with this little munchkin!
5. Lots of resting!!
Besides all of the summer fun that I plan on having with my daughter, I plan on spending much time in the cold air conditioning of my house as I grow bigger with pregnancy lol. I swelled up like a balloon last time I was pregnant and I'm hoping that it won't happen so bad again! I have been exhausted over the past few months so I am looking forward to destressing and feeling human again!
I hope you have many exciting plans for your summer bucket list!!! :-) Hang in there, summertime is near!!