Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Fabulous Blogger and Some Freebies!!

Hello Sweet Friends,

First week of school...DONE!!! Despite some challenges (the beginning of the school year is always full of them), everything was successful! I love my new firsties and I think they are loving first grade!
Now, if I can get back on to a regular schedule, all will be well. Once again Fabulous Blogger Friday is a day late. I am hopeful that I will get adjusted to a normal schedule again next week. Is anyone else feeling that way?
Here is my Fabulous Blogger for this week!! Welcome Sheree from...
First Grade Fun

Grade or Subject You Teach? The best grade of all- FIRST!!

What inspired you to become a teacher? When I was in first grade many, many, many years ago I had the most amazing teacher in the world named Miss Cox. I wanted to grow up to be just like her. So I followed in her footsteps and became a first grade teacher.

Describe your teaching "personality": I am fun and silly but organized and passionate about teaching.

What is your favorite subject to teach? I LOVE books and I want my kids to gain a love for them too. So reading would have to be my favorite subject to teach.

What made you decide to begin blogging? I started blog stalking and felt guilty about always taking all the great ideas and freebies. So at the beginning of last school year, I decided it was time to start giving back.

If you could give one piece of advice to your fellow teachers & bloggers, what would it be? DON’T get set in your ways! Be willing to try new things, change, and do things differently than you might have before. Be a lifelong learner like you want your students to be. It makes you a better teacher and you won’t get bored!

Finish this sentence: You know you're a teacher when … you collect rocks, books, seeds, shells, leaves, anything you can find while you’re on a vacation. I’m always looking for things I can use in my classroom.

Personal Links: I’d love anyone who would like to follow my blog or TpT and TN shops!
If you haven't seen Sheree's blog, Peterson's Pad, take a ride on over there...

A BIG thanks to Sheree for letting me feature her! If you are interested in being featured for Fabulous Blogger Friday, please email me at

On another note, I am linking up with Blog Hoppin' for Teacher Week & Freebie Friday.
 Here are a few freebies from my TPT store that I hope will help you:
This is a before, middle, and after number sense activity!

Here is a sort that will help your students learn those difficult ending blends!

Have a wonderful weekend!!,

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