Happy End of February Friends!,
I don't know where this school year is going, but it is flying by faster than any other school year, IMO! Before you know it spring will be here (I'm sure my northern friends are wishing for this on a daily basis!)
So next week marks one of my favorite themes to teach this school year: Read Across America/ Dr. Seuss!! I am so excited to receive this shirt that I ordered from Claire Lynn Designs in the mail:
ADORBS!!! Isn't it?!?
Next week we are doing a culmination of non-fiction study and snacks to celebrate our friend, Theodor Seuss Geisel. I have my favorites ready and so much more:
I don't know if you saw, but sweet Michelle over at Apples and ABC's found these Dr. Seuss videos for $7 at Target!!! Say what?!?! You better believe I ran there as fast as I could.
We will be starting off our week next week with my brand new non-fiction unit: Let's Talk About Theodor Seuss Geisel.
I don't know about you, but my students just LOVE nonfiction studies. It opens up a whole new world of interest for them! To prep, I have printed out these vocabulary cards and colorful posters. As with any unit, I always like to address the vocabulary first and foremost. I cut out the vocabulary card and place them in our vocabulary corner on our whiteboard.
For the younger grades, I like to keep information simple. Therefore, I created these colorful posters with each aspect of Dr. Seuss's life that we will review throughout the week and use to complete our Theodor Seuss Geisel Fact Keepers! I leave these up on the board throughout our study. My students love these fact keepers with all of our nonfiction units, because it's a keepsake that they can take home and look back on whenever they want.
I hope this gave you some ideas!! Happy Seuss Week!!
Incorporating writing is a huge importance to me in the classroom. We use thinking maps several times a week. Once we learn the information on the posters, we will be filling out these graphic organizers and putting our thoughts together into writing.
Perhaps my MOST favorite part of this unit is the Theodor Seuss Geisel book study flip book that I created. We are going to pick 4 Dr. Seuss books and we will discuss our favorite part, characters/setting, problem/solution, predictions, and summarizing. Of course for the book study, I will be choosing from books of substance, not just the rhyming books of "Go Dog Go", so it aligns with the activities of the flip book.
Due to popular request, I am selling this in it's entirety as a unit or with the flip book by itself.
For the entire UNIT: click HERE
For the flip book only: click HERE
Of course, no Dr. Seuss unit would be complete without some snacks. Have you seen this amazing website with 25 different Dr. Seuss snacks? We will be borrowing a few ideas for next week...

Click HERE above to explore!!
Now for some more exciting news, TPT has announced their Teachers are Heroes sale on Wednesday February 25th!!! There is so much to grab!! Click on the button to check out my store!!
I hope this gave you some ideas!! Happy Seuss Week!!