Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin Exploration F-U-N + Freebie!!

Hi there friends!!,
Friday officially marks the beginning of the most exciting time of the year. I call it the "triple whammy"- Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas! I absolutely LOVE this time of year. Not only is it exciting for me, but it is a time for my students to get excited, and I feel like I can get back to the roots of what teaching is about: the enthusiasm and meaningful learning.
Every year, we do a Pumpkin Circuit in my classroom. These are pumpkin exploration centers that integrate multiple subjects for meaningful learning! I usually set up 5 centers that we rotate every 10-15 minutes around. *Side note: This is a good day to ask for volunteers. :)
My students love this day! They are completely engaged and making connections. Their favorite is the pumpkin eruption!

We also spend some time reading one of my favorite non fiction pumpkin books, "Pumpkin Pumpkin," by Jeanne Titherington. It is about the pumpkin life cycle and is perfect for the primary age.
Following reading the book, we make a pumpkin life cycle craftivity:

All of this is included in my Pumpkin Circuit Pumpkin Day centers pack:
In this center, I have included 10 different pumpkin exploration centers:
*Making pumpkin butter
*Pumpkin Eruption
*Pumpkin Product Taste Testing
*Pumpkin Senses
*Pumpkin Be Gone (testing candy pumpkin in various liquids)
*Pumpkin Exploration Math & Science
*Pumpkin Life Cycle Craftivity
*Making Pumpkin Play Doh
*Pumpkin Oobleck
*Popping Pumpkins
Click on either picture to take a look!
I am also giving one away on my FB page. Come on over & say hi!
Here is a freebie as a way to say thanks for following along. This is my Pumpkin Sense page. Students will use their 5 senses to explore a pumpkin. Click on the picture below to download.
Until the next time friends!!,

Friday, October 10, 2014

Halloween Bash Blog Hop!!

Welcome to all of my old friends & new!!
I hope you are enjoying our Halloween Bash blog hop so far! I'm the next stop in your hop!!!

Get ready... I have some more goodies for you. :)
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays for so many reasons! Halloween represents the true beginning of fall to me (especially since I live in Florida where the leaves do not change colors). Having a sweet tooth, I L-O-V-E some good candy! Speaking of candy, my favorite Halloween recipe is Candy Corn Bark!!

Click HERE to download the recipe!!
Even though I loved Halloween as a kid (although my mom dressed me up in the same witch costume for 5 years in a row... :) ), I enjoy Halloween so much more as an adult. I get to watch my 2 beautiful daughters be excited about it, and we live in the most amazing neighborhood for Halloween!!! There are awesome Halloween decorations all over, haunted houses, and hundreds upon hundreds of kids trick or treat in our neighborhood. It is everything that I hoped my girls would be able to experience! It is truly a blast to partake in!
In celebration of our Halloween Bash, I'd like to share my Cut It, Sort It, Glue It Fall Math freebie! It has some addition and number sense activities for your students to review. Click on the picture below to download it!


Also don't forget to enter in the prize packs for some amazing fall/Halloween prizes for all grade levels!! It is too good to pass up!!
K - 2 Giveaway Pack
2-5 Giveaway Pack
Secondary Giveaway Pack a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you for joining The Teaching 2 Step Halloween Hop. I hope you enjoyed my post, did you know you can follow me on Facebook and Pinterest Hop through more Halloween Bash bloggers below:

An InLinkz Link-up