Happy Winter Break folks!,
I am taking the time in this post to make up for lost time. I don't like making New Years Resolutions, but if I'm to make one, it's to BLOG MORE!
I used to be so good at blogging. I would blog everyday, then life hit me & a baby later plus more demands in teaching= lack of time!
So today, I'm linking up with a few linkies from instagram & my 2014 goals at First Grade Nest.
First up is the instagram linky party from Kickin' It in Kindergarten.

First up is the instagram linky party from Kickin' It in Kindergarten.

*If you don't follow me on instagram yet, my username is @learningissomethingtotreasure. I would love for you to follow along!
I'm kinda (okay maybe EXTREMELY) obsessed with instagram. It involves one of my favorite hobbies: picture taking!
Okay here it goes:
3. This is the most popular picture that I posted on Instagram. These are the birthday cups that I made at the beginning of the year for my students. As you see, they look like ice cream floats! :)
My students absolutely love receiving these on their birthdays. I definitely plan on making these again next year!
Next up...
2. I love posting quotes & sayings and when I stumbled across this, I knew I had to post it! With all we go through with teaching, this describes our career perfectly. Although it is tough at times, I am sure many of us wouldn't trade it for the world. Teaching is filled with the most passionate professionals that I know, which inspires me to be the best that I can be!
And finally...
This is our first official family portrait. It is impossible to get my husband to take pictures, so I was so excited when I was finally able to convince him to do it! This is always a picture that I will treasure!!
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram as we make more photographic memories: @learningissomethingtotreasure
Next up is always a goodie... my goals for 2014. This linky party is from Jessica at First Grade Nest!
1. I have started juicing as of 5 days ago. My Christmas present to myself was to buy a juicer. My years of bad eating have caught up to me & now I'm having some health issues due to this. Now my goal is to make myself healthier again.
2. Folks, I admit it...I've been a bad blogger. Having a baby this year consumed my time. Now I'm starting to renew that spark that blogging & TPT creating has brought to my life. My goal is to blog 2-3 times a week, so I am not making an unreasonable goal.
3. I also want to be better prepared each day. I am bad about prepping everything last minute. I want to try to prepare everything for school the week before so I'm not running around like crazy the day of.
4. Avoid people that bring me down! Unfortunately there are some negative, hateful people out there. Sometimes you don't have to do anything to make them resent you. Unfortunately there are 1 or 2 out there that are like that toward me. I have come to the realization that there is not anything I can do to make them like me, so oh well. There's no sense in beating myself up to figure out how these people will like me. I am who I am & I love myself for who I am!
5. Maximize my family time! I want to spend more time enjoying activities with my kids and just having fun being the best mom I can be to them!
Thanks to Jessica for this great linky!
One more thing...looking for more blogs to follow. Check out this linky from Simply Kinder!!
There are so many new bloggers out there every time I turn around. Check out this linky for some new blogs to follow!!
Wow this was a long one!! I'll see you soon!