Monday, August 12, 2013

Getting to Know Me!

Happy Monday Friends!,
I'm back again today!! Today I also wanted to link up with Blog Hoppin for Teacher Week! What better way to kick off the week that I'm going back to school. I officially go back tomorrow (WAAAHH!!) I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my summer!
I am so excited to get to know many of the bloggers out there, especially since there have been so many new bloggers out there since I did this last year! So without further adieu...
1. I live in sunny Florida about 30 minutes away from Daytona Beach and 30 minutes away from Orlando. To give you an idea of where I live, see the map!
I have lived in sunny Florida for 27 years now. I am originally from New Jersey where I was born, but have been down here so long that if you ask me where I'm from, it's Florida! :) I do love living so close to the beach where the weather allows me to utilize it most of the year. There is also a lot to do here, like theme parks, even though they surely break the bank. There's not too many dull moments. Downside of FL: the humidity! The weather is killing me right now!
2. I have an amazing family! I have been married for 4 years now. I have a 4 year old daughter named Summer and a little one on the way in a few months (due October 9th). Here are some pictures of my 2 loves:
Here is Summer- she is going into her 2nd year of Pre-K. She is headstrong, beautiful, loving, and FULL of personality (as you can see in this picture). Many days are challenging, but I love her to pieces!
Here is our soon to be daughter, Reagan. We got to have a sneak peek at her last Friday for our 3D/4D ultrasound!
3. I have been teaching for 9 years now. All of this time has been in 1st grade!! I absolutely love what I do! I have been thinking about a change lately in grades, but we'll see what the future holds in store for me!
4. Last year was one of the most memorable of my career. I was voted Teacher of the Year by my fellow faculty. That was truly a dream come true for me and one of the biggest honors of my life!
5. I bleed Garnet & Gold!! I am a diehard Seminoles fan! I went to Florida State University, which was also one of the most exciting times of my life for me, because I learned what it was like to be on my own. Some of my best memories are from my college days! 
6. My personality: Very down to earth! I am a go with the flow kind of gal. I DO NOT like conflict. I am in constant fear of offending people, which is not an easy trait to deal with. I just don't like to make people mad, but I have learned over time that you can't please everyone. There are people that are going to like me & people who don't & I have to learn to live with that!
7. Favorite hobbies include going to the beach, spending time with family and friends, shopping, making things for school, and just relaxing! I'm not a huge fan of exercise, although in a few months, I won't have any choice if I want this baby weight to come off! lol

8. Did I mention that last year one of my students was featured on Good Morning America holding my 1st Day of School picture frame? It was only for 2 seconds, but it was just amazing to be contacted by the executive producer of GMA at all!
9. Must Haves in Life: COFFEE, pedicures, massages, and icing. Yes, I said icing. My mother passed down her sweet tooth gene to me, so I am a sugar junkie. I will eat icing by the tub (not while pregnant...). I just can't help myself!! ;) Besides that, don't come near me if I haven't had my coffee in the morning. It is near impossible for me to function without it!
10. My phobias: Heights (although I did go skydiving at 15,000 feet in the air), Roaches, Snakes, Bees or anything that stings (I've never been stung in my life, so it's probably just the unknown I'm scared of). :)

See you tomorrow with some classroom pictures!! :)


  1. OH MY...what a coverage of one of your students! SWEEET! Love you pictures...priceless. Smiles and stop by anytime!

  2. I love the 'Noles (although that is not too popular where I live - 30 minutes from Gainesville)! We need to get a Florida Blogger Meet-up going! Congrats on your (soon to be) new little one!
    Teachin' First

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