Happy Super Bowl Sunday Friends!,
I hope this finds you enjoy a nice relaxing weekend with some super bowl excitement ahead! I am looking forward to some super bowl fun with friends later and then back to work for another stretch tomorrow. Today I'm linking up with Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade for her February Currently!
Whew! This currently finds me busy, busy, busy. I feel like I don't have enough hours in the weekend lately. I can never seem to find the time to relax. I would love to be cloned so I can send the "other me" out to do the dirty work (shopping, cleaning, baking, etc...)
With my pet peeves, I CANNOT stand selfishness. It is nice to be considerate of others and not just yourself. I believe in good karma! Everyone has feelings and like to be treated with the same consideration that you give others.
I also can't stand liars. Just tell the truth. I will respect those people who tell the truth more than those who lie, whether it is what I want to hear or not. I prefer those who just state the truth whether I like what they have to say or not versus those who talk (you-know-what) behind your back.
It also drives me nuts when people take advantage of others. People need to pull their weight just as much as everyone else does!
Go and link up with Farley and share your current thoughts!!
In other thoughts, I am having a 2 day SALE!!! All items are 20% off in my TPT store!!

Today is the big sale, with an extra 8% off when you type in the promo code "SUPER" at checkout. I am also extending my 20% off sale through tomorrow, but the promo code on TPT for the 8% off will only be good for today (Sunday). Snatch yourself up some of these goodies from my TPT store!
Click HERE to take a look at my TPT store!!
Happy Super Bowl Shopping!! :)