Happy {soon to be Friday} Friends!!
Today was a very exciting day for our kiddos at our elementary school. It was our 100th Day of School!!! As I look back over the year, I can hardly believe that we are already at this point!
I woke up this morning, hopped into my "My Students Are 100 Days Smarter" shirt and went on my way.
How many of you have this shirt from Really Good Stuff? I just adore this shirt!!

Today in my classroom, we had some superhero 100th day fun from my Hip Hip Hooray! We've Soared Into the 100th Day! packet.
First we colored our "We've Soared Into the 100th Day" coloring pages:
Then we did some counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100!!
This little sweetie just finished "Tearing Into The 10s" cut and paste.
We had task necklaces where we had to complete tasks of 100!
This was my little cutie doing 100 toe touches!!
We also used a hundreds chart to find the missing "superhero" numbers and write them down.
Some other fun activities included making a superhero "100" mask and making a picture from the numbers "100" and writing some sentences about it. I just love witnessing the creative juices of my students as they complete assignments like this. This one was a race car...LOVE it!!
I think my students' favorite activity was a toss up between the superhero masks and this assignment: I Know 100 Things. They couldn't wait to grab their clipboards and pair up to find 10 of each kind of item!!:
My students received their superhero 100th Day certificates of completion and were on their way. I just {puffy heart}love days like this!
You can find these activities and much more in my 100th Day Superhero Packet by clicking on the picture below:
Okay as promised, here are the 2 winners of my Giddy About Groundhogs unit!!
And the winners are.....
#7... Cindy!!!
Congrats ladies!! I am sending the unit your way right now.
If you are interested in this jam-packed unit of fun, check it out by clicking the picture below!!
Have a wonderful evening...and SMILE, it's almost Friday!!! :-)